🌐 GloCo

Build a global company

Incorporate global entities, stay compliant, and manage everything your business needs — all online, from anywhere.

Launch an international entity from anywhere, in minutes

No paperwork* or legal headaches. Our online platform automates the entire company formation process with compliance and 24/7 global customer support.(*Unfortunately some countries still require wet ink signatures - but we make this as painless as possible!)

One-click compliance for all your international entities

Put all ongoing compliance, filings, and reporting on autopilot. Automatic filing notifications ensure you never miss a deadline or worry something has fallen through the cracks.

Launch a new Startup

The simplest way to open your first entity and ensure ongoing compliance. You have more important work to do!

Expand Internationally

We will open and manage all your international entities. One global partner for all your admin & compliance needs

Switch from an EOR

Why pay a premium to use an EOR when you can outsource the incorporation and management of your own entities for a fraction of the cost?

Compliance & Admin - Automated

We work with compliance experts to automate best practices, ensuring the highest quality output for the lowest cost.
Our automation-first approach means our team & customers can focus on what matters.

You have more important work to do

GloCo is the simplest way to launch and run a global business.Let us take care of your global entity admin & compliance, so you can focus on growing your business

© GloCo 2023. All rights reserved.Icons designed by Freepik from www.flaticon.com